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Enrollment 24-25

Enrollment Fee

Description Amount
Enrollment Fee - new students only

US$4,300.00 Lower School (Lower School)
US$4,800.00 Middle School (Middle School)
US$5,300.00 High School (High School)

Enrollment Fee - returning student only

Q5,180.00 if paid in full by May 15, 2024 (21.5% discount)
Q5,800.00 if paid in full between May 16-31, 2024 (12.1% discount)
Q6,600.00 after May 31, 2024 (subject to space availability)

Annual Accident Insurance Fee Q.811.00 (annual payment)

2024-2025 Tuition

Payed August through May on a monthly basis (10 payments). 
*A 5% discount applies if the entire annual tuition is paid before August 15, 2024.

2024-2025 Pre-Kinder-Grade 1 Grade 2-Grade 5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12
Total Annual Fees Q90,930.00 Q92,780.00 Q94,990.00 Q97,940.00

Steps to Enroll

Enrollment FAQs