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Pre Kinder - Grade 5

Taking the first steps on the journey towards nurturing a meaningful life.

Lower School offers a student-centered curriculum and gives the students the opportunity to learn many skills through a variety of activities. It is flexible, allowing us to attend to the individual differences, developmental stages, and growth needs of the students.   

In every class there is an emphasis on creating a community where all students are learning in different academic areas and reinforcing social-emotional skills.

We view play as an essential component of learning in the early grades, as it promotes self-regulation, language, cognition, and social competencies.

We believe every child is a unique individual and should thrive in a happy and safe environment while being treated with respect. 

Our Program

Hornet's Time

A dynamic educational program where all students get what they need individually. Grade-level teams collaborate on developing targeted instruction for small groups of students during a common block of time. This collaborative effort of teachers puts the students at the center of learning and supports the unique development of every child. 

Project Based Learning

At the end of the school year, our youngest learners have the opportunity to engage in deep exploration of various topics through collaborative and hands-on experiences. Project based learning is rooted in student voice and choice and each class collectively represents their learnings in unique ways. 

Character Counts

Our character education program instills the values of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship in our students. We promote each pillar throughout the year through community meeting activities and section-wide information. Students are encouraged to practice each pillar in their day to day life at CAG. 

Definition of Learning

Aspirational Learning at CAG is a dynamic and iterative process that engages learners in authentic experiences that further develop their unique values, voice, and purpose. In a physically, socially, and emotionally safe environment, learners are empowered to be the co-designers and creators of their own learning as they collaborate, innovate, and act ethically and empathetically to make an impact on an ever-changing world.


Read our Respect for Diversity Statement here

We Believe

  • Our students, as individuals, have unique intellectual, social, emotional and physical characteristics and needs; 
  • AII students can learn, and they learn most effectively when they are actively engaged in the learning process when they are faced with challenging expectations and when they are held to clearly defined standards of excellence; 
  • Learning should take place within a physically and psychologically safe environment; 
  • AII members of the school community, which includes faculty, staff, parents, and students share the responsibility far accomplishing our mission; 
  • Continuous improvement is essential to providing quality educational opportunities for our students. 

Lower School Leadership Team

Kerry Girod

Titles: Lower School Principal

Amy Agliata

Titles: Lower School Assistant Principal

Krystal Cordero

Titles: Lower School Assistant Principal

Cynthia de Le Masson

Titles: Lower School Assistant Principal

Maura Herrera Urías

Titles: Lower School Assistant Principal